Municipal Resources

Resources About Municipal Integrity Commissioners

Codes of Conduct and Integrity Commissioners - Guide for Municipalities

Link to Codes of Conduct and Integrity Commissioners - Guide for Municipalities

Municipal Integrity Commissioners: Best Practice Guide


Link to Municipal Integrity Commissioners: Best Practice Guide

Codes of Conduct, Complaint & Inquiry Protocols, and Appointing Integrity Commissioners: Guide for Municipalities

Link to Codes of Conduct, Complaint & Inquiry Protocols, and Appointing Integrity Commissioners: Guide for Municipalities

Tip Cards

(6 x 3.5" / 15.25 x 9 cm)

Enforcing property-related

This link opens in a new tabLink to Enforcing property-related by-laws

Trespass notices and
service restrictions

This link opens in a new tabLink to Trespass notices and service restrictions

Closed Meetings -
What is a 'Meeting'?

This link opens in a new tabLink to Closed Meetings - What is a 'meeting'?

Closed Meetings -
Know the Exceptions

This link opens in a new tabLink to Closed Meetings - Know the exceptions

Closed Meetings -
Best Practices

This link opens in a new tabLink to Closed Meetings - Best Practices

Closed Meetings -

This link opens in a new tabLink to Closed Meetings - Resolutions

Codes of Conduct and
Integrity Commissioners

This link opens in a new tabLink to Codes of Conduct and Integrity Commissioners

Local Complaint

This link opens in a new tabLink to Local Complaint Processes